Personally, I believe in ongoing and continuous education and personal development.
When I started a charity organisation, I realized that I had the potential to help others with their dreams. It made a huge impact on me and my life and that is one of the reasons why I started to educate others in online marketing and offer my consulting services.
I am looking forward to getting to know you and how I can help you to reach your full potential!
My intention is to inspire you, help you, and give you that little extra to your business and lifestyle that you are longing for.
Welcome to my business and way of life!
My passion for marketing started when I went to the HR-guy at that current workplace to ask him if there where any other openings for jobs at the same workplace. I had no idea of what I wanted to do.
After a little chit chat, he grabbed a folder in his bookshelf and said, - Carina, what do you think about Marketing?
Yepp, that was it. I did a night course for two years, at the same time as I was working full time. So,it was thanks to him, that I started working with marketing.
Since then, I have taken many marketing courses, all from InDesign to Google Analytics and how to market online. You really need to stay up-to-date with the current speed that marketing changes.
I have now been working with marketing for more than 15 years, in many different kind of industries and held different job positions. Always thinking, there must be more...